Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Five Senses: Laptop Monitor; Air; TV: Sakura Maruko; Baby Cookies; Air Fan Wind, Laptop Keyboard, Air Humid

First time I've ever seen Naruto: My sister claims it was when we stayed at a friends house and I took one glance at it and turned my head. I seem to remember it to be in my own house on a Friday evening tuned in to YTV. It was the episode when Naruto and Haku was fighting and Sasuke just passed out. But I seem to remember seeing the episode when they were learning the art of tree climbing. That was way before the fight...So it must have been at that friend's house, I watched it though, I didn't turn the channel, like my sister seems to remember me to have done. One things for sure, I saw Naruto first than read it. Nowadays though, I read the manga more.
First time I've ever seen Bleach: This one I remember clearly, It was on Ani-Pock.net. They don't have it anymore, but I used to always watch it Mondays and Thursdays. When and around when Ani-Pock stopped posting on Bleach episodes I started reading Bleach manga. I've recently finished all of them up to the weekly, but lately I've had a hard time finding an online place to read the weekly. Because this isn't my computer and it seems I will be using it all summer, I won't be able to download it. If you know of any good site(s) please do tell.
First time I've ever seen FMA: I saw the first episode on YTV Bionix. I've seen every episode since up to the end of June when I had to come here. Unlike Bleach and Naruto, I haven't finished all of the manga yet. It seem to had already finished so I don't need to be in a hurry to finish the story. But no one knows how long it's going to be on the WWW.
Current Location: Taiwan
More Later! Please Comment eh?