Turns out FMA is still an on-going manga after all. It features in Monthly Shonen Jump, unlike Naruto and BLEACH which are in Weekly Shonen Jump. Though it doesn't seem like there are a lot of fan sites for FMA. I actually consider Fullmetal to be better than BLEACH. One reason being Fullmetals mangaka Hiromu Arakawa is a lady. Hehehehe... Well I reckon I better go download the Fullmetal Alchemist movie. The introduction is wierd though... something about Ed being in another world... Oh yeah, heard there is a FMA game on playstation. Why???! Why are the good games always on Playstation!?!?!?! T_T I am so depressed, Clash of Ninja 1 totally sucks...(read next post).
Well I'm off to download FMA movie and Naruto 148, haven't seen some of the older fillers yet.